The world's #1 coaching company for custom home builders, the Association of Professional Builders, reveals...
Get Instant Access To The Highest Rated Sales, Marketing, Financials And Operations Training For Custom Home Builders
"24/7 online access to the best business training in the world that's been used by THOUSANDS of custom home builders around the globe"
From A Small Town Building Company To Industry Leaders
Toby & Elizabeth Searle | Directors, Highwater Homes
15 Years In Business And Never Seen Anything Like This Before
Glen Stephens | Director, Location Homes
New Zealand
Transform Your Building Company
So you can grow safely & securely
Discover The Proven Sales Process For A Residential Building Company
($497 Value)
- Why you should STOP wasting your time providing free quotes for prospects immediately!
- How to instantly avoid feelings of disappointment and frustration straight after presenting a quote.
- The one secret that the world's most successful builders are using to win more contracts at higher margins while avoiding having to build for problem clients.
- Why providing free quotes doesn’t work for residential home builders (and only makes it more difficult to win a job).
- The one template virtually every successful builder uses in (and how you can set it up quickly and easily)!
- The three essential steps of every successful sales call.
- How to stay on track and avoid trimming your margin in order to win a job…
- Downloadable training booklet for easy reading & following along.
Discover How To Prepare Your Building Company For A Downturn By Creating A 'Plan B'
($497 Value)
The senior coaching team at APB break down how you can structure your building company to survive the economic downturn caused by COVID-19. Complete this training and you'll discover:
- How to survive the impending economic downturn.
- What thcurrent crisis has in common with 2007, 1997 and 1987.
- What you need to do next in order to protect your cashflow.
- How to safely guide your building company through the next 12 months by creating your 'Plan B'.
- How to be calm when everyone around you is losing their head.
- How to hit the ground running in 2021 with a queue of clients who are desperate to start building.
- Why you need to change your marketing message now!
Discover How To Price Your Contracts Using A Net Margin
($497 Value)
If you're tired of working too hard for too little, it's not your fault. Most residential builders have never been shown how to price their jobs correctly. Complete this training to discover:
- How to achieve healthy net profit margins between 10-15% after drawings on every job.
- How to create a structured, organised and systemised building company using the pricing for profit formula.
- How to avoid falling into the trap of believing more revenue equals more money by focusing on profit.
- The difference between markup and margin.
- How to quickly and easily apply the pricing for profit formula using the free calculator.
- How using this simple calculator will pay for your membership for the next 15+ years.
Plus HEAPS More...

Everything You'll Get Inside Your Membership
Over $30,000 worth of training & resources at your fingertips
- Monthly business coaching covering self improvement, business operations, construction financials, marketing a building company, closing high dollar sales, and setting up systems for a residential building company.
- Professional Builders Training Portal filled with 36+ courses containing step by step video training and workbooks that provide you with the blueprint for scaling your construction business.
- Association Of Professional Builders members logo that differentiates your building company from the average builders in the marketplace and positions your company as an industry expert that can be trusted to deliver a professional service.
- A one on one private onboarding session where you will be shown around your training portal and given expert guidance on where to get started first.
- Ongoing support from your own personal membership specialist who will be there to answer any questions and to make sure you get maximum value from being a part of the Association of Professional Builders.
- Downloadable templates, calculators, cheat sheets & checklists that short cut the learning process and allow you to experience instant results in a fraction of the time it would normally take you to implement these new strategies and tactics into your building company.
Get a private business analysis & review valued at $500 for FREE when you join today
- Book in for a private one on one business analysis & review with one of APB's senior coaches.
- Deep dive into your building company & receive a custom roadmap for you to follow over the next 12 months.
- Uncover the real gaps in your building company and the steps you need to take in order to fix them using the action plans within your portal.
Join The Association of Professional Builders Today!
The Training That's Connected Builders World-Wide
With Other Professional Builders

Our No Risk Money Back Promise To You...
We are so confident that these online coaching courses will pay for themselves within 30 days that we’ll make you a 100% no quibble, money back promise.
If you do not get any value from being a member o APB within your first 30 days...
Then just let us know and we will refund your entire investment.
Frequently Asked Questions
(The Things You Might Be Wondering)
Will APB Membership work for me?
APB Membership has been specifically designed for custom home builders that complete 1-200 homes each year. If you're looking for industry specific training, to level up your building company, to join a network of professional building companies world-wide without the fluff, this is for you.
Over 200 building company owners renew their membership each year to keep access to this training.
Put simply, when implemented, this works.
Can I give my partner/business partner access?
Absolutely. As long as the information is for the same building company, then yes, we can include them as an additional member with no additional charges. Just let your Membership Specialist know on your private onboarding session and we can get them set up.
How can I pay?
You can unlock APB membership and all it's benefits for your building company with a single annual payment via debit or credit card. It's a simple 30 second process that will give you immediate access to your membership.
What makes APB Membership different from other training programs?
Great question! There are hundreds of coaches, consultants and self proclaimed gurus out there claiming they can help you because 'business is business' and construction is no different...
You're clearly cautious of what coaching program you get started with and rightfully so.
So let's explain what makes APB Membership different from any other coaching program currently available to residential home builders. Firstly it's the results of the hundreds of builders who have completed our training modules. Secondly it's our reach as the largest coaching company for custom home builders in the world.
If our members weren't getting results they simply wouldn't renew their membership each year. APB's course material is constantly updated to keep it current and it's why our members stay members for life.
The Action Plans, checklists, calculators, cheatsheets and resources have been created specifically for builders to give you the ability to make progress fast and see the results you need to see from an investment in coaching.
Can I ask questions if I get stuck?
Absolutely. You have multiple places where you can get your questions answered. For example, in the comments section below each module in your portal, in our APB 'Members Only' Facebook group, or live on our monthly recap and Q&A coaching calls.