Creating A Lead Magnet

How To Generate More Leads By Creating A Valuable Resource For Your Prospects

"Using a Lead Magnet on your website will result in 300%-400% more leads from the same amount of visitors."

- VentureHarbour

Are you struggling to generate high-quality leads despite your best efforts?

Perhaps you've invested time and money into advertising that hasn’t delivered the returns you expected...

All while your competitors seem to attract a steady stream of prospects with ease.

The good news? You can turn things around by creating a powerful lead magnet that speaks directly to your ideal clients and positions you as the go-to expert in your field.

And that’s why we created a coaching program for members of the Association of Professional Builders covering how to generate more leads by creating a valuable resource for your prospects.

When you have it you'll discover...

  • Why most lead generation tactics fail and how a well-crafted lead magnet can be a game-changer.
  • The psychology behind lead magnets and how you can leverage them to attract more qualified prospects.
  • A step-by-step guide on how to create a lead magnet that resonates with your target audience.
  • Practical tips on producing a visually appealing lead magnet that reflects your brand's professionalism and leaves a lasting impression.
  • How to seamlessly incorporate a lead magnet into your overall sales strategy, maximising its impact.
  • How to use a CRM system and marketing automation to deliver your lead magnet in a way that nurtures leads into red-hot prospects.

"A lot of great information with clear directions."

- Seth Bullard, Reliable Exterior Solutions, United States

"The call to action regarding requesting phone number advice was great."

- Leanne McVeigh, Top Build Queensland, Australia

"Fantastic way to transition people to leads!"

- Chad Lund, Haven Homes, United States

Join APB Membership Now!

"It's Like Netflix For Builders"

As well as the course covering how to generate more leads by creating a valuable resource for your prospects, you also get instant access to all of these great courses when you become a member of the Association of Professional Builders.

"45.9% of building companies say that generating quality leads is their biggest marketing challenge"
- State of Residential Construction Industry Report (SORCI)

When it comes to Creating A Lead Magnet, you have two options.

Option one is to spend hours of your valuable time trying to figure out what works through trial and error...

Alternatively, you can take the easy option and follow a step-by-step guide with downloadable templates for less money than it costs most builders to acquire a single lead!

And you have a money-back guarantee so there is no risk to you whatsoever!

You can go through the course at your own speed and ask questions from inside the portal.

Don’t miss out!

Click on the button below to join the Association of Professional Builders today!

Join APB Membership Now!

But don't just take our word for it, check out what these builders think of the information waiting for you inside the Association of Professional Builders...

You're not alone.

When you join the Association of Professional Builders you can connect with other like-minded professional builders from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA in our private members only Facebook group.

Your Coach

Sky Kolade
Sky Kolade

Business Operations Specialist & Co-founder of the Association of Professional Builders.

Sky takes complex business strategies and converts them into actionable step-by-step guides for building company owners.

Sky currently coaches over 600 custom home builders in five countries.