How To Survive The Recession

How To Prepare Your Building Company For A Downturn (Valued At $497)

"Change Before You Have To"

- Jack Welch

If you are thinking that the current virus is unlikely to affect your building company and it’s mainly a problem for the travel industry, retail or restaurants...then think again.

Because the fact is, regardless as to whether you think the media, investors and the government are overreacting, every single building company is going to be affected. Because what affects your clients affects your bottom line.

And this situation is affecting everyone...

So that’s why we’ve we created an emergency coaching program for custom home builders covering how to prepare your building company for the economic downturn and avoid running out of cash.

When you have it you’ll discover...

  • How to survive the impending economic downturn.
  • What the current crisis has in common with 2007.
  • What to do next in order to protect your cash flow.
  • How to safely guide your building company through the next 12 months.
  • How to remain calm when everyone around you is losing their heads.
  • How to hit the ground running in 2021 with a queue of clients.
  • Why you need to change your marketing message now!

Click on the button below to join the Association of Professional Builders Today & Get Free Access To This Course.

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"Brilliant in pointing out what we can do in these times to stay focused on the good that is coming."

- Neil Myburgh, NEDS Projects Ltd, New Zealand

"I like that it's revisiting old lessons that are now current."

- Tye Alroe, Alroe Constructions Pty Ltd, Australia

"I really liked the mindset behind it."

- Glen Veenstra, Pine Creek Homes, Canada

"It's Like Netflix For Builders"

As well as the course covering how to prepare your building company for the economic downturn, you also get instant access to all of these great courses when you become a member of the Association Of Professional Builders.

In the mid 1600s when the Bubonic Plague consumed Europe, Isaac Newton developed his gravitational theory while in isolation.

In other words, he used a set of unfortunate circumstances and a situation that would leave most people feeling disadvantaged to his own advantage and did something amazing.

When it comes to preparing your building company for an economic downturn you have 2 options.

Option 1 is to spend hours of your valuable time trying to figure out what works through trial and error…

Alternatively you can take the easy option and follow a step-by-step guide with downloadable templates for less money than it costs most builders to acquire a single lead!

And when you join the Association of Professional Builders you have a money back guarantee so there is no risk to you whatsoever!

You can go through the course at your own speed and ask questions from inside the portal.

Don’t miss out!

Click on the button below to join The Association of Professional Builders today!

Join APB Membership Now!

But Don't Just Take Our Word For It, Check Out What These Builders Think Of The Information Waiting For You Inside The Association of Professional Builders...

You're not alone.

When you join the Association Of Professional Builders you can connect with other like-minded professional builders from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA in our private members only Facebook group.

Your Coach

Sky Kolade
Sky Kolade

Business Operations Specialist & Co-founder of the Association of Professional Builders.

Sky takes complex business strategies and converts them into actionable step-by-step guides for building company owners.