Leading A Construction Company

How To Lead Your Team To Greatness Even If You Don't Have An MBA

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“Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence, and making sure, that impact lasts in your absence.”

— Sheryl Sanberg, COO of Facebook

Do you ever feel like owning a building company is sucking the life out of you?

That you’re all alone, and are expected to have all the answers to every single challenge that arises...

Maybe you think that growing your building company any more will only create more stress and require you to work even longer hours…

We hear this all the time from custom home builders.

And that's why we created a new coaching program covering leading a construction company.

When you have it you’ll discover…

  • Why you should STOP solving problems, immediately!
  • How to instantly avoid feeling stressed and burnt out in your building company.
  • The one secret that the world's most successful builders are using to manage and lead their teams efficiently so they can work ON their business rather than in it.
  • Why employing more staff doesn’t work for residential home builders (and actually stops you from creating more time and freedom for yourself).
  • The cheat sheet virtually every successful builder uses when it comes to leading their team (and how you can implement it into your daily routine today)!
  • The 3 essential steps every successful building company owner needs to take in order to grow their business while working less hours.
  • How to prevent your team from jumping ship leaving you to constantly find new staff instead of working on profit generating strategies!

Click on the button below to join the Association of Professional Builders Today & Get Free Access To This Course.

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"I like the idea of empowering others."

- Mark Kendrick, Kendrick Construction United States

"It is a subject I can definitely improve my knowledge on."

- Mark Levy, Allcon Building Australia

"I like that it provides inspiration to be more self reflective."

- Mark Walters, Walters Lakefront Construction Canada

"It's Like Netflix For Builders"

As well as the course covering Leading A Construction Company, you also get instant access to all of these great courses when you become a member of the Association of Professional Builders.

"52% of employees who choose to leave their job say their manager or organisation could have done something to prevent it."


When it comes to leading your team to greatness, without an MBA, your building company has 2 options.

Option 1 is to spend hours of your valuable time trying to figure out what works through trial and error…

Alternatively you can take the easy option and follow a step-by-step guide with downloadable templates for less money than it costs most builders to acquire a single lead!

And when you join the Association of Professional Builders you have a money back guarantee so there is no risk to you whatsoever!

You can go through the course at your own speed and ask questions from inside the portal.

Don’t miss out!

Click on the button below to join The Association of Professional Builders today!

Join APB Membership Now!

But Don't Just Take Our Word For It, Check Out What These Builders Think Of The Information Waiting For You Inside The Association of Professional Builders...

You're not alone.

When you join the Association Of Professional Builders you can connect with other like-minded professional builders from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA in our private members only Facebook group.

Your Coach

Sky Kolade
Sky Kolade

Business Operations Specialist & Co-founder of the Association of Professional Builders.

Sky takes complex business strategies and converts them into actionable step-by-step guides for building company owners.