Recruitment Process For New Team Members

How To Easily Filter Out The Duds And Find The A+ Candidates.

"Time spent on hiring is time well spent."

- Robert Half

Do you have a team of 'A-team' players in your building company?

Or are you filling positions with the best of the worst candidates?

Hiring the wrong people can lead to expensive mistakes.

It can also cost you time and damage the morale within your existing team.

Sooner or later they’ll either leave or end up having to be sacked, which results in you having to repeat the ENTIRE recruitment process all over again.

That's why we created a coaching program for members of the Association of Professional Builders covering the proven recruitment process for new team members.

When you have it you'll be able to easily filter out the duds and find the A+ candidates..

And that’s why we created a coaching program for members of the Association of Professional Builders covering how to easily filter out the duds and find the A+ candidates.

When you have it you'll discover...

  • how to identify a superstar under a pile of average applicants
  • how you can avoid wasting time on uncommitted candidates quickly with one simple step
  • how to systemise your recruitment process to ensure your employing the right people in the right order
  • what you need to include in your job ads to ensure only quality candidates apply
  • the step-by-step process, from job ad to onboarding, that ensures everyone on your team are A+.

"It was such an easy to follow process that came at the perfect time for us."

- Elizabeth Searle, Highwater Homes, Australia

"I will be able to start using what I have learned from the course right away. I have an in-person interview tonight."

- Joel Vanlagen, Joe's Carpentry, Canada

"I appreciated the layout of each of the stages needed to obtain a high level hire."

- Jason Dubin, Ambition Custom Homes, United States

Join APB Membership Now!

"It's Like Netflix For Builders"

As well as the course covering how to easily filter out the duds and find the A+ candidates, you also get instant access to all of these great courses when you become a member of the Association of Professional Builders.

"A Top Performer Produces 4x As Much As An Average Employee."
- ideal.

When it comes to the recruitment process for new team members, you have two options.

Option one is to spend hours of your valuable time trying to figure out what works through trial and error...

Alternatively, you can take the easy option and follow a step-by-step guide with downloadable templates for less money than it costs most builders to acquire a single lead!

And you have a money-back guarantee so there is no risk to you whatsoever!

You can go through the course at your own speed and ask questions from inside the portal.

Don’t miss out!

Click on the button below to join the Association of Professional Builders today!

Join APB Membership Now!

But don't just take our word for it, check out what these builders think of the information waiting for you inside the Association of Professional Builders...

You're not alone.

When you join the Association of Professional Builders you can connect with other like-minded professional builders from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA in our private members only Facebook group.

Your Coach

Sky Kolade
Sky Kolade

Business Operations Specialist & Co-founder of the Association of Professional Builders.

Sky takes complex business strategies and converts them into actionable step-by-step guides for building company owners.

Sky currently coaches over 600 custom home builders in five countries.